7 Halloween Activities at Home
Halloween will be here in just 2 short weeks, and my daughter keeps asking, “is it Halloween yet”? Needless to say, my kids enjoy dressing up and having a guilt free day of sweets. We’ve decided to be safe this year and have Halloween right at home. Both the kids have their costumes, and we’re planning a fun evening indoors. If you’re still thinking through ideas, no worries, I’ve got you covered and have shared a few ideas just for you guys.
Paint Your Own Cookie Set from Sugar Rex
In lieu of the traditional outdoor trick or treating, having an indoor candy hunt is the way to go for the kids this year. Simply buy their favorite candy and hide it around the house. The hiding spots can be easy or difficult depending on the child's age(s). Then have the kids grab their candy buckets and go on their hunt for candy. This is sure to be a fun and delicious adventure.
Don't skip out on the costumes this year. The kids are craving some sense of normalcy and still want to have fun, so head online and let them pick out their costume to be delivered in time for Halloween. Schedule a Zoom Party for your kid(s) and their friends to show and share their costumes and treats, and enjoy a fun virtual time together.
Make an indoor party out of Halloween this year and add a festive treat table filled with goodies. I did this myself when my oldest was 3, and it was quite a hit. My little chefs and I are excited to use the Raddish Kids spooky kitchen box before and on Halloween. You can order your box here, make or buy cupcakes, add cookies, cheese curls, marshmallows and other treats your kids like or that go with your table theme. Michael's, Target, Walmart and Amazon are great places to grab supplies for this.
Halloween is the perfect time to carve those pumpkins or get creative and decorate them. Consider adding a cool mask to your pumpkins.
A classic game that can be safely played indoors. Fill a large bucket with water for each of your children (so that each child has their own bucket to not spread germs), add apples, and see who can pull the most apples out of the bucket with their teeth. Give a prize to the winner.
Make or buy a pumpkin or Halloween themed pinata, fill with treats and let the kids have fun whacking away until the treats fall out.
After all the candy and fun, end the night with a Halloween movie and sleepover in your living room. Grab the blankets, turn off the lights, put on your glow in the dark pjs and enjoy a Halloween Movie marathon. There will likely be tons of Halloween movies on tv and streaming services like Netflix and Disney Plus. I highly recommend our family's favorites, Hocus Pocus and Twitches.
I hope these ideas are helpful! I’d love to see if you try any of them - simply tag on me Instagram, so I can see all the fun.