Posts tagged daily 7
Daily 7: Invest time and money wisely

Time…365 days, 12 months, 24 hours, 1,440 minutes. Money…something we all spend, and at the same time want to keep and increase. That said, one can't help but to focus on time and money. My focus as of late has been centered around investing my time and money wisely, and sowing seeds that in turn will reap a harvest.

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Daily 7: Pour into my family and community

I don't believe that any of us are meant to do life alone. ‘Your people’ aren't the same as mine, but we all have our person/people who are an important part of our lives. The most important people in my life are my family, so loving on, caring for and spending time with them is something I prioritize. Journeying through life with them is my greatest joy.

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Introducing the Daily 7

I've been working hard to trade in the #allthethings mentality for a more simplified and intentional way of focusing. Insert the Daily 7, which I shared with my newsletter tribe in February and received such good feedback on. That’s why I’m bringing highlights from the Daily 7 to the blog. This 7 day series was created to help us better cultivate our daily focuses for peace, success and happiness.

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