Women's HERstory Spotlight - Jessica Lindsay

Welcome to Day 3 of the Women’s History Month Celebration Circle. I’m shining a light on some glow getters, and they in turn are sharing their wins and shining a light on other women, too. Today, I’m spotlighting lifestyle influencer and blogger, Jessica Lindsay, who is based in New York and using her platform in such an awesome way. She inspires women to live their best lives. While we haven’t met in person yet, she is truly a fellow creator I enjoy connecting with online.

Jessica Lindsay

Jessica Lindsay.jpg

Share with the glow getter gang a little bit about yourself.

I am a millennial and corporate girl turned entrepreneur and blogger. I created my platforms to inspire women to live a life of confidence and purpose. I love Jesus, coffee, and an impromptu trip to Target.

As women, we sometimes don't give ourselves enough credit. However, I want you to take a moment to celebrate yourself. Please share one or more of your wins, or something you're proud of or excited about.

For years I dreamt about one day leaving my corporate job to pursue full-time entrepreneurship. Though it didn't happen as I planned, I took a huge leap of faith and for the first time, am walking in my purpose as a full-time entrepreneur.

I love cheering on and celebrating glow getters - women committed to growth, achieving their goals and glowing from the inside out. Please share the names of at least 2 women who you feel embody what it means to be a glow getter and why. They could be friends, family, women you follow on social media, women you admire from afar, etc.

Hayet Rida (@hayet.rida) — There are few people that I admire in the influencer marketing space; Hayet is one of those people. Though watching her from afar, I admire her creativity, her discipline and dedication to her dreams, her out of the box thinking, and the ruthlessness she posses in creating her own lanes for herself.

Kendra Hogan (@iamkendra.h) — In friendships, many of us have our person. Kendra is my person. I watched her chase after her professional dreams over the years. But what's even more special has been watching her chase after her God-given dreams. I have watched her lay her hearts desires before the Lord and wait before God in obedience and sacrifice. That, is the ultimate glow getter in my eyes.

Women's history month is dedicated to celebrating not only women as a whole, but also our contributions that have helped shaped history, society, families and more. With that in mind, share the name of 1 woman you admire and why.

My mom will forever be the number 1 woman I admire. Watching her through the years has taught me lessons on how to be a wife, a friend, a woman of elegance and excellence. She embodies selflessness, boldness, fearlessness, and strength. She has and will forever be one of my biggest supporters.

Show Jessica some love in the comments. Do yourself a favor, and be sure to follow her on Instagram @itsjessicalindsay, as she is sure to bring positivity and good content to your feed. Also, check out her blog. Tonight, the women’s history celebration celebration continues over on Instagram Live (@shalyceytson) at 7:00pm, where I’ll be joined by 20 ladies and hopefully all of you. See you soon!

Have a glowing day!

