Gem of the Day: Delay Is Not Denial

Hey Glow Getters! I’m introducing a new series to the blog called Gem of the Day. These will be nuggets and reminders to inspire you to keep going, growing and glowing. Some of these posts will be excerpts from previously shared content, and others will be new content by way of life lessons. In either case, I hope you get something out of these. Although this series is called gem of the day, these posts won’t be shared daily, in an effort to honor my bandwidth. However, I highly recommend that you sign up for my newsletter here, where I share gems once a week, delivered straight to your inbox.

Today, I want to remind you that delay is not denial! We often hear this in relation to keeping hope alive for dreams that have yet to come to past. I had another revelation regarding delays this past Spring. Have you ever had something on your to do list for a long while that for some reason you couldn't get to as soon as you'd hoped? I'm sure we've all been there. We are often managing and balancing so many different things simultaneously. This makes it nearly impossible to conquer everything on our to do list in 1 day. Sometimes things get shifted to the next day, week, month, or in some cases the next year. This shifting and delaying is not always the result of too many things on our list, or laziness or fear (although sometimes it is). I realized that this delaying could possibly be God's way of holding off some things for when we will really need them or when things can prosper. Here's 2 examples of this that happened to me in May.

One. I was able to connect with actress and mompreneur, Tia Mowry, last year. I truly admire her from afar for many different reasons, and she's such a light. I was going to send her a Glow Gear package last year. Then I got pregnant, life kept life'ing, and I never got to it. I beat myself up about it because it was really simple and easy to mail the package out, and it was soooooo unlike me not to be on top of that. Well, a fire was lit under me to finally get that package out, and I did. Then, I was pleasantly surprised to open Instagram Stories in May and see Tia's daughter Cairo wearing the youth you glow girl shirt I sent on her actual birthday (shout out to the glow getter who DMed me about it). It turns out I unknowingly sent the package at the right time, right before her birthday. The funny thing is, initially I was thinking of just items for Tia, but then thought about sending items for her daughter too since youth items would eventually relaunch. I truly believe my resistance and delay in getting the package out initially was likely God putting that block up until the timing was just right.

Two. As I've shared before, I've been planning events for a decade. I had the pleasure of planning a beautiful wedding for one of the sweetest couples last Fall. They raved about the wedding, and said they were planning to send me a gift. Several months went by, and I didn't receive the gift, which was totally fine because I honestly forgot all about it and working with them was gift enough. I later learned that they will be expecting twins this year, and I'm so excited for them and have been sharing my experience with them. Last week out of the blue, that bride texted me to say look out for a package tomorrow that would require my signature. The next day, a gift from Gucci arrived with a note from them thanking me for my hard work on their wedding (which was 7 months after their wedding). Talk about wow! It meant so much to me. The wild thing about this delay was their gift came right at a time where I really needed to be reminded that my hard work matters and that my impact is valuable. Won't he do it!

So let this be a reminder to you of 3 things:

1) Timing is everything. The timing you have in mind may not be the right time.

2) Delay is not denial. Keep working. Keep hoping. Keep believing.

3) God is in control. Although he requires us to take action, he is still the one pulling all the strings.

If this resonated with you and if you’re excited about this new series, let me know in the comments.

Have a glowing day!