5 Procrastination Hacks

Are you guilty of putting off certain tasks that need to be done because you don’t enjoy said tasks? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. I’ve procrastinated more than once in my life, and that procrastination usually showed up with tasks I didn’t want to do in the first place. Whether it’s chores around the house, work assignments we dread and the like, we’ve all been there before.

lifestyle blogger

If you’re anything like me though, having a never ending to do list works my nerves. I don’t like too many things looming, as it’s makes me slightly anxious (or sometimes very anxious). So rather than keeping the less desirable tasks on my list forever, I found some ways to face them head on and tackle them.

1 — Give yourself a pep talk first 

The other I day, I woke up anxious just thinking about the amount of tasks I had to do that day. I immediately said a simple yet empowering affirmation — I am equipped! It was true, as I was in fact equipped to do the desirable and less desirable tasks that day. Often times our minds will play tricks on us and have us making things more overwhelming than what they might actually be. However, consider having a pep talk with yourself, just like you would when encouraging a friend. Tell yourself what you need to hear to silence the noise of procrastination. If you can’t find the words to tell yourself, consider reading a daily devotional or listen to a motivating sound bite, such as a podcast, video or audio book.

2 — Do it when you have optimal energy and mental space to focus

Timing is everything! If it’s a task you already don’t want to do, avoid doing it at a time when you don’t have energy or the capacity to focus. This applies for tasks you do enjoy, too. For example, I love writing blog posts, but writing during my kid’s virtual school learning day is not ideal because I simply can’t focus then. I’m a night owl, so I chosen to write my posts in the evening when I have the energy and capacity to focus. For you maybe the best time to tackle what you’re putting off is after your morning smoothie, after a nap or on the weekend when you have time. The key is avoiding times where are you are already tired because you know fatigue will cause you to keep putting ‘it’ off.

3 — Set the atmosphere

Sometimes making adjustments to your environment makes getting it all done more attainable. For example, I don’t jump for joy when it comes to cleaning up the kitchen; however, if I put on earphones and listen to a good playlist, at least I can dance and sing it out while I load the dishwasher. During the work day, you may want to consider avoiding a distracting work area and having snacks and drinks nearby because food makes everything better, right! The point is to think about ways to alter your atmosphere to decrease the likelihood of procrastination.

4 — Take breaks

Once you finally start the tasks, if you want to ensure you actually finish them, consider spacing the work out over a period of time, if time allows. While this might sound like procrastination in a way, I honestly look at it as a productivity hack. We all need breaks, so definitely take them, so you can get your second wind to finish strong. Whenever possible, leave buffer room, so that you aren’t doing the task super close to the deadline, which can add further anxiety.

5 — Outsource

Last, but certainly not least, outsource! If this is a task you seriously don’t enjoy or aren’t event the best at, delegate it to someone else. Deep cleaning is not my jam, so at least once a month, we have a cleaning service come to clean our home. The same goes with our cars. My husband doesn’t enjoy washing cars, so he pays for an unlimited car wash service to still keep our vehicles clean. Maybe you don’t enjoy helping your kids figure our algebra — hire a tutor! There is no point stressing yourself out over tasks that you don’t like that can be easily outsourced. I promise, you’ll be happy you did.

I hope you find these hacks helpful! Let me know of any other procrastination hacks you would add to this list.

Have a glowing day!

