5 Ways to Support a Content Creator

Let’s agree, most, if not all of us, love some good content. From funny videos on TikTok, to informative carousels on Instagram, to blog round ups, good content is all around to enjoy, inspire, and help. Here’s the thing though, creating content is not always easy for creators. A lot of work and hours goes into creating a blog post, podcast episode, Instagram post, YouTube video and more. After hours of creating content, the last thing a creator wants is for it to flop or seemingly for no one to care. The rule of thumb in truly supporting a content creator is not to just consume the content, but to actually engage with it. Did a blog post resonate with you? Did you scroll upon a post on Instagram that inspired you or made you laugh? Did you see a picture or video you liked? Did you gain some tips from a podcast or IG Live? If you answered yes, then show that creator some love by engaging with their content. Today, I’m highlighting 5 ways to make supporting and engaging simple and easy, and how and why it helps creators.


1 — Follow and Subscribe

This one is easy! Follow your favorite creators. Don’t just look at our posts, videos and latest content without sealing the deal with a follow or subscribe. It costs you nothing, and helps us so much. As creators, we are here to serve our audience, no matter how small. But growing our community also helps us grow our reach, which grows our impact and opens the doors for more opportunities.

2 — Like, Comment and Save

After you’ve laughed at a hilarious video or read a caption on IG, be sure to hit that like button. Then take it a step further and leave a comment. Share exactly how that content made you feel or what you got from it. When I look at Kev On Stage’s videos, I’ll typically leave several laughing emojis in the comments or I’ll tag my friends who I think would love the video, too. When I read Alex Elle’s carousel posts, I’ll like them, leave a thoughtful comment in response to her call to action, and I’ll share the post in my stories. On Instagram, you can also save the posts you like. This not only helps you to have good content to refer to in the future, but it also helps that creator to learn what content resonates most, and the more engagement on a creator’s posts initiates the algorithm to work in their favor.

3 — Share, Share, Share

This one is huge! If you enjoy my newsletter or like a video or post, share it with others. If you implemented a tip I shared or purchased a shirt from the shop, share it and tag me. All of this helps the creator to grow their reach and to serve more people.

4 — Rate and Review

For all my podcast lovers, the rate and review is your friend. After you’ve enjoyed a new podcast episode, be sure to leave a 5 star rating and thoughtful review. This helps others to be able to find your favorite shows and to hear listeners perspectives. Just like you value reviews before you buy a product, reviews help podcasters, too.

5 — Support the Ways We Monetize

Last, but not least, you can support creators by supporting the ways in which we make money, and the ways we add value to you. Creators don’t get a bi-weekly paycheck from an employer. They earn their living through monetizing. Some monetization avenues they use include: website ads, affiliate programs, paid partnerships, sponsorships and more. You can often support the way a creator monetizes without even spending any of your own money. If you see a sponsored post, comment on the post and share it. The more engagement a sponsored post receives, the more valuable a creator becomes to a brand, which helps increase how much creators can make and charge for campaigns. If you see a creator post a link in their stories, click it. Whether you buy anything or not, clicks matter. Then of course when you do purchase from a creator’s affiliate links and use our discount codes, this really helps us to gain referral fees and perks.

Remember, your favorite creators share to add value and to make an impact with their audience, so show the love back by supporting any way you can. If you’re apart of the glow getter gang and enjoy the content I share, here are some specific ways you can help me:

  1. Follow @shalycetyson on Instagram. Remember to like, comment, save and share my posts, and to click on links I share in my stories.

  2. Follow Behind The Glow Podcast on Apple Podcasts. Listen to Season 1, and leave a 5 star rating and review.

  3. Shop Glow Gear.

  4. Subscribe to my newsletter.

  5. Follow me on Like To Know It.

  6. If there is content you want to see and topics you want me to speak on, shoot me a note here.

As always, I appreciate your support so much and don’t take it lightly! I hope this post shed light on ways you continue to support your favorite creators. Feel free to share other ideas in the comments.

Have a glowing day!

