5 Daily Reminders for Showing Up Intentionally For Others

Earlier this week I talked about intentionally showing up for ourselves, and today I’m shifting gears to showing up for others. It’s no secret that I’m big on community, so I truly value being able to show up for others and likewise when others show up for me. It’s so important to have meaningful and dependable relationships, and to sustain these relationships, intentionally nurturing and cultivating them is key. Let’s dig into some ways to do this…

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Showing up for others is such a wonderful thing. But we must first show up for ourselves. In order to give our best to others, we have to get in the habit of giving our best to ourselves first. We can support our families, friends and others far better this way. Let's get in the habit of pouring from our overflow, so that we aren't nourishing others far more than we do ourselves. As they say, self care is not selfish.

Example - I ensure I pour into myself first every morning before my children wake up. Luckily, my kids enjoy sleeping in, so this allows me to have at least one or more hours everyday to myself before my motherly duties start. I typically use this time to eat my breakfast, pray, read my devotional and enjoy some chill time. By having this me time, I don’t feel rushed in the morning and it puts me in a better mood, so then when my kids wake up I’m more refreshed to start my day with them.


Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you. Simply put, treat others the way you want to be treated. For example, if you want others to support your business or project, make sure you are supporting others, too. Let's ensure we don't expect more from others than we ourselves are willing to give. Our relationships should be nourishing on both ends, and not one-sided.

Example - So many examples come to mind when I think of the golden rule, but I’ll share just a couple. As a content creator, I make it a point to thoughtfully engage with the content of others, just as I’d want others to do with mine. As a wife, I try to show love daily, just as I like to receive it daily from my husband. In general, we should have hearts to be givers and not just receivers.


The main way to show up for others is simple - show up! Show up with a just thinking of you text, sending a book or note in the mail, inviting a friend out for dinner, attending celebrations and rooting for others, offering a solicited word of advice, praying specific prayers over your friends and more. In the busyness of life, it's still important to prioritize connecting with others and celebrating them.

Example - Fourth Friday’s with Friends actually started out as a way for me to intentionally connect with friends monthly and has since grown, providing ways for me to celebrate others through Buy Black Black Friday, Women Celebrating Women and more. But beyond that, celebrating others is a way of life for me. When I see my friends doing big and small things, I’m right there cheering for them. I’m certain that the support I’ve received in life is partly because I genuinely support others.


Showing up for others is also simple when needs and wants are clearly communicated. Whether in a romantic relationship, friendship or family, communication is key. Ask others how you can show up for them, especially in difficult seasons. Likewise, be comfortable communicating how you need or want others to show up for you.

Example - I remember when I relaunched Glow Gear, I specifically asked my community to share about it and they did just that. Often times, we have to put our pride aside and stop assuming everyone in our lives are mind readers, and simply ask for what we want and need.


Remember, showing up for others looks different everyday. Some days you may have a lot to give and others you may have little to nothing - and that's ok. Our best is always good enough.

Example - When I lost my dad, I had nothing to give to anyone outside of my immediate family. To this day, I can’t bring myself to write formal thank you cards to those who sent flowers, etc. And that’s ok. But today, I have the capacity to show up for others in need and just because. Not only is everyday different, seasons of life are different to.

There are number of other ways we can show up intentionally for others. What other things would you add to this? Which of the 5 that I shared do resonate with most? Let me know in the comments.

Have a glowing day!



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