4 Steps for Finishing the Year Strong

It’s a mid year check in! If you missed this week’s Instagram Live with Keelay Carter, you missed our discussion on how to finish the year strong. We dropped gems, if I must say so myself. For those who didn’t know, Keelay is my accountability partner, so we’ve seen each other go from being stuck to clarity and consistency, and everything in between. Thus, we knew it was important to connect with our collective communities to discuss ways in which we can all win this year, no matter how the last 6 months have gone. We also shared a really big SURPRISE!

Here are some notes of the 4 steps we covered, but definitely catch the replay of the live because we really go more in depth:


Now that we’re at the mid year mark, it’s time to assess the first half of the year, your focus and your goals. A few questions to ask yourself can include:

  • What went well so far this year? What didn’t go well?

  • Were there any specific distractions that kept you from being focused? Were you overwhelmed or were there any barriers you faced?

  • What were your goals — personal and professional? How are you coming along with them?

  • What do you want the next 6 months to look and feel like?

Take the time to really take inventory. Give yourself credit for the things that went well. Give yourself grace for things that didn’t.


Sometimes we don’t see results because we’re out of alignment. We’re all over the place, focusing on all the things. Develop a plan of action that is purposeful and in alignment with your top goals. Niche down. Use the assessment you did to make changes where needed. Tweak that vision board/goals plan where needed. Write or rewrite the vision. Make it plain. Commit to win.

This is something that I had to do at the top of the year myself. I was spreading myself too thin, and I had to get laser focused on my top business goals, which are content and community. Even with a more narrow focus, I still had to be very specific about what that would include. So while the podcast is content, it simply isn’t in alignment in this current season, so it’s on pause. Same goes for Glow Gear…that had to be paused. Although pausing things you enjoy can be very difficult, I currently feel a lot more in line with my purpose and passion as I create digital content here on my blog and Instagram, engage with my online community, host meaningful in-person events with my good sis Maaden, and more. Long story short, get clear on what your assignment is for this present season and do that.


I can’t say enough about the value I’ve found in accountability partnership and coaching/mentorship. Over the past 6 months, my monthly accountability group meetings and mentorship meetings (along with doing the work) have shifted my trajectory in the best way. Researchers found that individuals have the following probabilities of completing a goal by taking these actions:

  • Having an idea or goal: 10% likely to complete the goal

  • Consciously deciding that you will do it: 25% likely to complete the goal

  • Deciding when you will do it: 40% likely to complete the goal

  • Planning how to do it: 50% likely to complete the goal

  • Committing to someone that you will do it: 65% likely to complete the goal

  • Having a specific accountability appointment with someone you’ve committed to: 95% likely to complete the goal

95%!!! Listen, if that doesn’t make you a believer, I don’t know what will.


No amount of planning will override actually doing the work. The time is now…take action and finish the year strong! In fact, Keelay and I announced that we are taking action on our goal of providing more resources for our communities, given our experiences with accountability and coaching. We are now offering an opportunity for you to take action and experience the value of accountability and coaching, too. Introducing THE COLLECTIVE, a one of a kind accountability community and coaching forum to help women purposefully pursue and achieve their personal and professional goals.

If you’ve ever wanted an accountability partner, but couldn’t find one on your own, we have the solution and have done the leg work for you! We are currently accepting interest forms here and will be selecting our first cohort next week. Get ready to thrive in community over the next 6 months through The Collective. Upon completion of your interest form, a comprehensive informational and investment guide will follow. Don’t delay because the deadline is June 27th to get in on this amazing opportunity.

If you’re ready to finish the year strong, let me know in the comments.

Have a glowing day!